It is the middle of the summer and it is HOT we mean really HOT outside. You just got your braces on or recently adjusted and your mouth and teeth are a little sore. You may be thinking, “there is nothing I can eat that will help my teeth feel better, nothing sounds good!” Well luckily for you my friend, we’ve got you covered with this summer’s best COLD soft food treats designed specifically for those ever so uncomfortable braces adjustment periods.

Slightly thawed fresh frozen grapes are a great cold food hack and post adjustment snack!

When you get your braces on or have an adjustment your teeth may feel a little uncomfortable. Most soreness lasts from a few hours to a couple of days depending on the type of adjustment. But, trying these cold food tricks can really help minimize that soreness and provide relief!

Slightly thawed fresh frozen grapes are a great cold food hack and post adjustment snack!

When you get your braces on or have an adjustment your teeth may feel a little uncomfortable. Most soreness lasts from a few hours to a couple of days depending on the type of adjustment. But, trying these cold food tricks can really help minimize that soreness and provide relief!

Frozen Grapes

While it may sound good, we never recommend eating ice. But, a great alternative is frozen grapes. This super easy snack is hard to resist, and healthy too. All you need to do is buy a bag of seedless grapes, pull them away from the stem, wash and then place them in a gallon Ziplock freezer bag. When you are ready to eat, pull a few out for about 15 minutes and let them thaw slightly (you don’t want to eat them completely frozen or else it will be like eat ice!). When the grapes are semi thawed they are soft enough to just just melt in your mouth with minimal chewing. Try cutting them in half to make them even easier to chew.

Easy Frozen Yogurt Your Way

Have you ever made home made frozen yogurt? It is super easy and takes hardly any time! All you need is plain Greek yogurt and dab of honey and your favorite fruit. We recommend using a seedless fruit such as peaches. Avoid seedy fruits such as strawberries and blackberries as they seeds may hurt your teeth as you eat. Make sure your fruits are frozen, then blend your yogurt, honey and fruit in a blender. Place in a glass dish or bowl and put in the freezer for at least two hours. Then pull out your bowl and enjoy!


We’ve said it before, but we will say it again, smoothies are one of the best post adjustment snacks. Not only are they super healthy for you, they are also the perfect treat for a sore mouth or teeth. And there are thousands of different recipes out there, which allows you to create a smoothie tailored specifically to your taste buds. All you need is a blender, a few key ingredients and walla, a cold tasty treat is providing you relief. Click here to access one of our favorite smoothie recipe websites . Oh and be sure to use a straw, that way the cold doesn’t hit your teeth and braces directly when you drink it, which may bother your already sensitive teeth. Dr. Elrod has been practicing orthodontics for more than 30 years and loves helping both teens and adults gain confidence in their smiles. If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-463-8394 , or visit Blackburn & Elrod Orthodontics on facebook

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