It is safe to assume that almost every child is going to need braces at some point in their life. While most kids and parents will not have much of a choice if they want a beautiful smile and straight teeth, they will be able to choose the type of braces used to correct the problem. There are currently several different types of braces, but metal braces and ceramic braces are easily the two most popular choices. While both of these options will deliver the same great smile, they still both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Metal Braces

Metal braces are the traditional braces that have been used to fix crooked teeth for decades. They are commonly called metal braces because they feature metal brackets and wires. While metal braces have advanced over the years to reduce the treatment time, they are still very noticeable in the mouth. This is virtually the only negative aspect of metal braces. If you are not concerned with the look and appearance of your braces, then you simply can’t go wrong with traditional metal braces. A lot of kids no longer care about the appearance of metal braces because it is seen as a rite of passage for most teenagers, but metal braces may not be the right choice if someone is extremely nervous about their appearance. The kids that do not worry about the appearance of metal braces love that they can choose the colors of the brackets and bands. This is a great way to express your fun and colorful style.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces work exactly like traditional metal braces, so you know you are guaranteed to get a beautiful smile in a short period of time. The main difference between them is that the brackets and wires used on ceramic braces are clear. This allows them to be nearly invisible in the mouth because they match the color of the teeth. Anyone that is dreading fixing their dental problems because of the appearance of braces should look into getting ceramic braces. You will be able to laugh and smile with confidence. The only drawback to ceramic braces is that they require a strict cleaning regimen to keep the clear ceramic clean. The brackets on ceramic braces have a tendency to stain very easily, so you have to be extremely meticulous about cleaning them. Stains on ceramic braces are extremely noticeable, so one stain will stick out and reveal the braces. Since most people choose ceramic braces because of their clear appearance, it would not be wise to let them get stained from a lack of cleaning.

Consult Our Professionals for the Right Choice

Both metal braces and ceramic braces are very effective in providing the patient with a beautiful, bright smile. The best way to determine which type of treatment is right for you is by making an appointment at Elrod Orthodontics, with locations in Independence and Blue Springs. Our team of professionals will help you make an informed decision about which type of braces to go with for your orthodontic correction. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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